Finding Creative Inspiration in the Every Day
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Spring is finally here in Evanston: the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and the grass is growing! As the season changes, we at Glantz started to think about how we keep our designs new and always in bloom.
It’s important to nurture our out-of-the-office passions so that our ideas are always fresh. We asked our team members to take a few minutes to reflect on what they do, at work and in their free time, to remain inspired. We shared the reflections in a series of posts on our Instagram in hopes of inspiring others!

“I enjoy gardening because it’s a very peaceful activity. Gardening requires a certain thought process that allows me to focus on what I’m doing, instead of what’s going on around me. It’s a refreshing break from work, which requires me to think quick on my feet!”

“Nothing gets me more excited to write and learn than reading books written by people who challenge me. Writing can be intimidating because there are infinite routes to explore. I love witnessing someone I admire succeed in creating something new, complex, and beautiful. It motivates me to make something of my own and keeps me from getting in a rut.”

“While I use my right brain all day working on creative projects at Glantz, volunteering at Heartland Animal Shelter allows me to utilize my left brain while working with the dogs and serving on a committee that researches best training practices. The balanced blend of right brain/left brain work allows me to keep my ideas fresh and helps me avoid creative burnout.”

“Going rock climbing requires an immense amount of focus and determination. You have to look at the big picture and determine how to best complete the route. Each small movement propels you towards the end goal—it’s similar to developing websites in those regards.”

“Music is my mojo. It has a direct connection to my ability to create. While my design skills are necessary to be a Creative Director, songwriting helps my right brain creative style extend into copywriting, allowing me to find the right words for a headline, concept lead-in, or idea pitch. Or simply jamming out to Africa by Toto can cure any road block. Cue the drums!”

“Running helps clear my head. Whenever I am in a rut creatively, I’ll go for a run and get away from technology for an hour. It’s time away from everything when I can focus on myself. In that quiet space, inspiration can hit at any moment.”

“The rewards of exploring Chicago are endless, whether I am spending time outside wandering the lakefront trails or relaxing inside a new coffee shop or restaurant. It makes this large city feel more like home while also pushing me out of my comfort zone to try new things.”

“Watching movies inspires me. I enjoy movies because they provide an escape from the chaos of everyday life. They allow me to zone out and become immersed in the creative world developed by the directors.”

“I moved countries a lot growing up, so painting has always been an outlet for self-expression despite cultural and lingual barriers. The process itself is very meditative, allowing me to stay grounded in our fast-paced environment. It also hones my ability to take ideas from early concepts to finished products, which has been crucial in developing design solutions for clients.”

“Photography is my creative outlet that forces me into the real world. Sometimes you can become lost in the digital space with graphic design, and photography is my escape for that digital space.”

“Whether I am just driving by the lake or spending an afternoon with my kids at the beach, the water gives me a sense of calmness and peace and helps declutter my mind.”

“I like to visit the Art Institute of Chicago to get inspired. Especially in the Impressionist wing, I will go by myself and walk around at my own pace, soaking in all the beautiful colors and textures. Being surrounded by my favorite artists brings me a lot of joy. I can take that positive energy and bring it back to my work.”

“Being immersed in nature clears my busy mind. When I’m on top of a mountain, breathing in the fresh, crisp air, and taking in the beauty all around me, my mind is quiet. I draw inspiration from the workings of the natural world surrounding me.”

“Baking helps me slow down and focus my mind. I love the chemistry involved, and there’s something reassuring about knowing that a 3:2:1 ratio of flour, fat, and water will create a perfect pie crust every time. I always come away creatively refreshed (and full).”

“What’s fueled my desire to keep going in this industry is the problem-solving aspect of my job. I find it incredibly helpful to park problems in the subconscious and engage in seemingly unrelated activities. When that spark of an idea comes to the forefront of my mind while cooking, it’s like finding $20 in your jeans pocket fresh out of the dryer.”

“Finally some peace and quiet. Seriously, not sure if it’s the monotony of the water running or not having any electronics near me, but I can completely clear my mind and be laser focused while in the shower. It’s often where many of my ideas are hatched.”
At Glantz we’ve learned that no matter what keeps your ideas fresh—be it a meditative shower or painting your next masterpiece—it’s good to take time away from the project at hand to let inspiration spark.
Another way we all love to get inspired is through our ever-rotating office playlist. For this occasion, we’ve compiled all of our favorite songs that we like to listen to for motivation and inspiration. You can follow along with it below!