10 Questions for Associate Account Director Conner Brown

Get to know Conner Brown, expert horseback rider and our Associate Account Director:

1. Where did you grow up?

England, primarily in Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire.

2. How did you become interested in marketing and design?

I am not a designer, but I am creative. I’ve always thought that as long as I could work with a creative agency, that part of me would be fulfilled. The longer I work with creators in a design setting, I learn that design is more than just a visual. It’s a whole process. Knowing that it can spark so much more than just a visual response furthered my interest in design as a whole. 

3. How long have you been at Glantz?

It’ll be four years in January.

4. What’s your favorite guilty pleasure?

My most embarrassing guilty pleasure is how much reality TV I watch. I can’t stop! They are so funny to me, especially Real Housewives. I can’t get enough.

5. If you weren’t a ____, you’d be a _____?

If I weren’t a human, I’d be a sea bird.

6. What would you say to the younger version of yourself?

You don’t need to know what you want. Sometimes, it’s just as helpful to know what you don’t want.

7. What is the most important thing you’ve learned while at Glantz?

I’ve learned that being stagnant in any role, be it professional or personal, is not going to gain success. Learning and continuing to grow is important for any kind of achievement. 

8. How do you see your work or role changing in the next 5 years?

Clients want things faster and better, so our department will become more agile. Our account team will also become more campaign-based, since our clients need to manage so many marketing touch points. I would love for our account team to help with all of that, instead of just one project!

9. What are some of your hobbies?

I fly fish, horseback ride, and bake. I’m getting into cooking recently. I make a lot of weird recipes that are interesting to me. I love to garden and grow crops. 

10. How do your co-workers inspire you?

We have a drive at our studio to always want more: more information, more knowledge, more projects that are different and challenge us. People are always striving for more.

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