
Hewn Bread

In the name of research, we took several field trips to Hewn Bread while restructuring their site for a better user experience.

Launch Website

Hewn is an artisan bakery that is famous for its breads made with heritage wheat and locally-sourced grains. The co-owners Ellen and Julie just wrote their first cookbook, and, in anticipation of its release, asked us to update their one-page website to incorporate an online store and improve the search engine optimization ranking.

User Experience

We began with an audit, or content inventory, of all the information on the site. Once we understood Hewn’s content and imagery, we were able to organize it in a sitemap that split Hewn’s website into seven pages (a move that is in line with SEO best practices).

Sitemap for Hewn Bread website

Website Design & Development

The restructured page layouts, accompanied by some stunning (and taste-full) photography, brought to life the expertise and passion Ellen and Julie bring to their breads every day. Browse the breads (and website) here.

Hewn Bread website story page
Hewn Bread website news
Hewn bread website menu
Hewn Bread website home page
Menu page for Hewn Bread website
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